How To Connect With The Community
Every time we meditate we make a spiritual contribution to our community and to the world. Over time, we may find ourselves so grateful for this wonderful gift of meditation that we feel called to “give back” in some way. And in the giving, we also receive, and deepen our own commitment to this spiritual path.

We can donate a bit of our time, energy and/or financial resources in any number of ways. For example:
• Encourage & support a fellow meditator.
• Join a weekly group or start a group. Follow this link to see how.
• Help at events or other community activities.
• Attend an Essential Teachings Workshop (School for teachers) to learn how to share the gift with others.
• Become a “Friend of the WCCM”.
• Make a donation to the CCMC.
• Donate a book or CD to your group or to the public library.
• Offer technical expertise. (Web design support with Html5, Photoshop, general web site maintenance). Contact Web Design
To find out more, or to volunteer, please contact your regional or area coordinator. We welcome (and need) your participation to help make our Community strong, enabling us to continue to share this path with others!
The CCMC Website
The website provides easy access to information about Christian Meditation in Canada, including:
• A complete up-to-date listing of meditation groups and contact information.
• A calendar of events
• The latest issue of the Newsletter and archived issues back to 2003
• A catalogue of publications and order information
• Group Leaders Corner, resources for leading a Group
How to contact webdesigner for posting events including specifications.
Receive weekly readings by E-mail from the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM). To subscribe, go to and click on “Weekly Readings”

Web Designer: Luis Zunino
The Newsletter
Published four times a year, the Newsletter includes:
• a calendar of up-coming events
• news from meditation communities across the country
• personal reflections on a broad range of topics
• information on new publications
• The World Community for Christian Meditation International Newsletter
The Newsletter performs a very important function.The Newsletter is the vital link that connects us across thousands of miles, which few of us travel more than rarely. In that sense, it is what puts the "C" in CCMC, and makes us a truly Canadian community, rather than a scattering of local ones. As such, we become a more tangible seedbed for new members and new groups, especially in those wide areas where we are still few.

Newsletter Editor: Carolin Hwozdyk
The National Resource Center
​The National Resource Centre was established in 1992 under the direction of Doreen Romandini to provide support to the Canadian meditation community. A small group of volunteers at the Montreal location, and others at a distance, nurture and support Christian meditation by providing the following services:​
• Maintains and distributes a range of books, CDs, DVDs and other materials to individuals, groups and events.
• Accepts donations and issues tax receipts through the registered charity MEDITATIO.
• Supports communications through mail, telephone, and internet.
• Holds regular scheduled meditation group meetings at the Montreal location.
• Maintains a mailing list database.
• Oversees the printing and distribution of the Newsletter to over 2500 individuals and institutions throughout Canada and to Canadians in other parts of the world.

Resource Center Administrator: Mark Schofield
The CCMC School of Meditation
The School supports and guides the whole journey of the Christian meditator from the first steps in the practice to the sharing of the gift with others in cooperation with the International School. We present Essential Teaching Weekends and workshops. These learning opportunities help meditators understand their own experience in the light of a greater tradition and equip them to share the gift of meditation.
School Coordinators:
Rev. Phil Barnett
Denisse Connors​
This is the outreach of our contemplative community that brings the fruits of meditation to the aid of the many problems and crises of our time. We are sharing our practice in the areas of addiction, mental health, interfaith dialogue, children and youth, the environment and business.
Meditation with Children
Children are saying that they do not want merely to learn about Jesus and God in their religion lessons: they wanted to experience God in their heart. Christian meditation provides your child with an opportunity to start a journey of silence and stillness where he will experience the presence of Jesus within.
Friends of the WCCM
Friends provide vital financial support to the WCCM towards sharing the gift of Christian Meditation worldwide.
Friends Coordinator:
Ibolya Agoston
​Group Listings
Please send any group changes or updates to:
Group Coordinator:
Andy Burns
WCCM Publications
Books and CDs sales and distribution for North America.
Bookstore Manager:
Mark Schofield