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Canadian Christian
Meditation Community

Be Still And Know That I Am God

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About Us

A part of the World Community for Christian Meditation.  Our mission is “To communicate and nurture meditation as passed on  through the teaching of John Main in the Christian tradition, in the spirit of serving the unity of all.”

What Is Christian Meditation?

Christian Meditation is a prayer of the heart. It involves the silent repetition of a single word or phrase (the mantra).  The continual gentle repetition of the mantra leads to an experience of silence, stillness, and simplicity. 

Connect with
the Community

The Canadian community is a Grassroots Community! Weekly meditation groups form the core of the Canadian Christian Meditation Community. They meet in numerous cities, towns and villages across the country.

Christian Meditation in Schools

In Canada today, more and more, teachers and students in faith based Christian schools are learning to meditate in the Christian tradition, following the principles used by members of the World Community for Christian Meditation 


Links to Christian Meditation Events in Canada

Where Meditation Lives

Interviews and Dialogues with Meditators

Video Library

Videos about Christian Meditation 



“Meditation opens the common ground between all traditions and cultures, religious, secular and scientific.  In a world that is growing increasingly aware of its need for stability and depth, Christian Meditation is speaking to more and more people.  This prayer of silence, found in Christian tradition from earliest times, leads us beyond words, thoughts and images to experience the presence of Christ within us.  Christian Meditation is central to the Christian experience and is available to all.”
Laurence Freeman, OSB.  Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation

The CCMC is part of the World Community for Christian Meditation.  Our mission is “to communicate and nurture meditation as passed on through the teaching of John Main in the Christian tradition, in the spirit of serving the unity of all.”

“Learning to meditate is not just a matter of mastering a technique.  It is much more learning to appreciate and respond directly to the depths of your own nature, not human nature in general, but your own nature in particular.” 


John Main,OSB

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